

Plaques, screws and nails made of metal or porcelain, which are placed in place of lost teeth for treatment purposes and do not have any side effects for the organism, can function as a natural tooth after completing their combination with bone tissue, are called implants. The implant looks just like your natural tooth and performs just as natural.

The implant is an application as old as the history of humanity. At various stages of its history, people have considered mounting parts that will serve as teeth on the jawbone as a solution.

Today, the most used metal as an implant material is titanium.
Titanium is a metal with excellent tissue compatibility and has been used safely in many fields of medicine for centuries. Shaped in the form of roots, cylinders or screws, titanium becomes ready for use as a dental implant after undergoing a number of special processes.


Implants are screws made of titanium that are used in the treatment of missing teeth and placed inside the jawbone. A dental prosthesis is placed on these screws. The advantage of implant treatment over other treatments is that adjacent teeth are not damaged. That is, adjacent teeth do not need to be cut. The implant acts as a tooth root and you can eat, talk and laugh like a natural tooth.


Implant treatment is applied to individuals over the age of 18 who have completed their jaw and face development. Before the treatment, whether the jaw structure is suitable for the implant is determined by X-rays. In diabetic patients, the disease must be regulated before treatment. In those who use blood thinners, the drugs are discontinued before the treatment. Those with osteoporosis can receive implant treatment after receiving appropriate treatment.


Implant treatment is done by giving the patient a light sedation. Detailed examination and x-ray are required before the procedure. Measurements of the jaw bones and remaining teeth are taken. There are two options for placing dental implants. In the one-step procedure, a temporary cap is attached after the implant is placed. In the two-stage process, after the dental implant is placed, it is covered with the gum and left to heal. Prosthetic heads are then attached. In both cases, a temporary bridge is placed and a healing period of 3 months for the lower jaw and six months for the upper jaw is expected. Sometimes newly made teeth can be placed on dental implants immediately. With a dental implant, the patient can safely laugh and eat.
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